How to use Microsoft 365 Word
Many assignments in our online programs require the use of Microsoft Word. The college provides the latest software version to all students for free. You
Many assignments in our online programs require the use of Microsoft Word. The college provides the latest software version to all students for free. You
Many assignments in our online programs require the basic use of Microsoft PowerPoint. The college provides the latest software version to all students for free. Visit this
Note: The steps below will assist in guiding windows users. Step 1 Open your PowerPoint file and click on File > Save As Step 2 Select a folder to
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain
Sharing screen in Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool that allows you to hold presentations, share important notes or distribute useful audio files with colleagues.
Microsoft Stream is moving to SharePoint/OneDrive Stream (on SharePoint) Start Page Microsoft Stream (On SharePoint) is a video tool available to you through the Microsoft
This guide provides a straightforward process for links from SharePoint. **Select share to “People in Pacific College” and apply settings.** Step 1 Open your video