Note: The steps below will assist in guiding windows users.
Step 1
Open your PowerPoint file and click on File > Save As
Step 2
Select a folder to save the file, enter the file name and change its format to PDF.
Step 3
If you’re done, click on the Save button. If you need to reduce the file size, you can create Handouts by clicking on More Options and then Options.
Note: Be aware that the “Options…” button appears after selecting PDF format on the dropdown menu above it.
Step 4
The default option will be “Slides” on the new window that pops up after clicking on Options; you want to change it to “Handouts.”
Step 5
Select the number of slides per page on the following dropdown menu in that window.
Note: We recommend using two slides per page to reduce the file size and keep the slides’ content legible.
Step 6
After selecting the settings desired, click OK and then Save.
Note for MacOS users:
To create Handouts from a Mac, follow these steps.
Step 1
Open the PowerPoint, go to “View,” and then select “Handout Master.”
Step 2
You can edit your Handouts, save them and export them as PDFs.
You can also save them through an alternative process.
Step 1
Go to the “Print” option.
Step 2
Change the layout option to “Handouts”
Step 3
Selec the number of slides you want per page
Step 4
Click “Save as PDF.”