How to Upload Files to OneDrive

Uploading files to OneDrive is a straightforward process that allows you to back up, share, and access your files from virtually any device. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it from different devices:

  1. Open your web browser: Go to the OneDrive website by entering clicking on the “OneDrive” icon in the StudentHub.
  2. Sign in: Log in with your Microsoft account credentials.
  3. Upload files:
    • Click the “Add New” button, then choose “Files upload”
    • Browse your computer to find the files or folders you want to upload, select them, and click “Open” or “Upload”.

 Sharing your OneDrive Files

  1. Once you’ve uploaded a file, you’ll receive a confirmation message at the bottom of the page in which you’ll be able to see the name of the file and a link to the location in which it was saved.
  2. To find all the files uploaded to your OneDrive, click on the “My Files” icon be sure to edit the permissions to “People in Pacific College of Health and Science”.
  3. Once the permissions are set you can copy the link and share it.