Chicago Student Council Election Nomination Deadline Monday Sept 9th!!!

Deadline to submit your nomination will be Monday, September 9th at 11:59pm!!!

In preparation for the Fall 2024-2025 Student Council Elections, we are now accepting Student Council nominations. If you are interested or know someone you wish to nominate, please submit your nomination by using the link below.

The positions are as follows:

The President shall act as the chairman of the SC, shall preside over all general meetings and executive board meetings of the SC and shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the business of the council and full administrative power to implement the functioning of the SC and the bylaws.

The Vice President shall support the President and all officers to ensure the success of each project. The VP shall work closely with the President and any assistant positions and/or committees shall be under the supervision of the VP. The VP shall act in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president and preside over meeting of the council.

The Secretary shall be responsible for taking roll and recording minutes at all SC meetings and general student body meetings. Shall report in accordance with the SC calendar and any information as to the progress or updates in the areas of administration. Shall be responsible for the dissemination of information of the actions of the SC to other SC members, the student body and the administration of the college, through the use of flyers, Facebook SC page, etc. Shall maintain the bylaws up to date every semester.

As Treasurer of the SC, the Treasurer will make a proper accounting of all transactions involving SC funds and will be the caretaker of all receipts generated by SC transactions.  All SC transactions and deposits will be accounted for. At the end of every semester, the Treasurer will prepare a financial report that includes the SC account balance at the beginning of the semester, an accounting of all expenditures, and the current account balance at the time the report is issued. A copy of this end-of-semester report will be posted in a public electronic forum.

At-Large Committee Members
Support the SC officers and help with areas of interest including social media, club support, etc.

Student Council Nominations will close Monday, September 9th at 11:59pm

Student Council Nomination

