NY Massage Lab Schedule Spring 2024

NY Massage Lab Schedule Spring 2024


Massage Practice Labs – Weeks 3-14

Practice your hands on massage skills and/or make up missed class time under supervision. Only students who are currently enrolled in hands on practical courses during the current trimester are eligible to practice, but any Pacific student can attend as a recipient. Limited # of students per lab, based on room assignments. You no longer need to register in advance for labs. They are drop-in, and first come, first served. It is still a good idea to coordinate with a partner to meet at lab to ensure that you will get practice time in.

  • Monday 4:30-6pm w/ Kate Room 7/8
  • Tuesday 4:30-6 pm w/ Jenny Room 10
  • Wednesday 4:30-6pm w/ Kendrick Room Skills Lab B
    • no lab on June 5th.
  • Thursday 12:30-1:30pm w/ Jenny Room 3