Guide to Accessing Assignment Feedback and Comments

Please note that if available, feedback and comments on assignments can be found at the bottom of the assessments.

How to view assignment comments and gradebook feedback for a specific assignment

Step 1

To view feedback grade comments, go to the assignment, and if your instructor left feedback, you will see “Feedback available”. Click on it to review.

Step 2

After clicking on “Feedback available”, you will be redirected to the Assignment page. Scroll down to the Feedback section and check the comments left by the instructor.

Step 3

Under the displayed rubric, you will also see the comments left by faculty, if any, regarding the submission.

When the instructor has posted a comment to your assignment submission, you will receive an email notification specifying a new comment has been posted for that assignment.

How to view all assignment comments and gradebook feedback within Open Grader

Step 1

For all types of activities (assignments, discussion forums, etc.), you can review the feedback from the Open Grader. To access it, go to the Course Dashboard on the lower part of the table of contents.

Step 2

Then go to Open Grader.

Select the activity you want to review

Step 4

If an overall feedback comment were made, you would see it in the column displayed to the right. Click on “View grading rubric” to view the rubric and specific comments.

This will display the grading rubric, including the comments made by your instructor.

Click on View annotated PDF to see the feedback placed directly on the submitted document.