Course Out of Sequence Form

Course Out of Sequence Form

  1. Instructions
    Students seeking permission to take a course out of sequence or without meeting pre- requisite / co-requisite must obtain permission from the Academic Dean by completing this form. In order to complete this form students must go to the student portal and attempt to register for the desired course. You must list the error message from the student portal in this form, for your request to be considered.
  2. Student Information

    Please enter your information below.

  3. Course Information

    Please enter the course information below.

    I would like to:

    1st course out of sequence

    *Failure to provide complete course information will result in this request being denied.

    Please enter in the format of a course code (e.g., AC621L.61)

    2nd course out of sequence

  4. Additional comments

    Please use the following section to provide any additional comments that may help the Academic Dean and Registrar understand your request.

  5. Acknowledgements

    This form is designed to facilitate smooth enrollment and adjustments for eligible courses. For further information on policies and regulations, please refer to the PCHS catalog.

    • By submitting this form, I acknowledge that it is exclusively intended for courses that do not require approval from academic advisors or possess any prerequisites/corequisites.
    • I understand that courses requested via this form must be added to my schedule before the Add/Drop deadline.
    • I understand that this request is subject to approval by the academic dean. If the request is approved the Registrar will add the course. Students will be notified if the request is denied. Please allow 3-5 business days to process the request.
    • Any course added after the deadline will be assessed a $50 late fee and the fee and tuition will need to be paid at the time of registration.
    • I understand that final approval may be impacted if I receive an ‘F‘ or a ‘WF‘ in a course that I’m currently enrolled in or a section of comprehensive exams.