Fall 2024 Clinic Updates

I want to welcome everyone back to the clinic! As we transition from summer into fall, this period symbolizes change and transformation in Chinese medicine. It is a time for us to reflect on our practices, embrace new learning opportunities, and continue growing both personally and professionally.

Here are the following clinic updates:


  • F24 Clinic Directory: This is available on the StudentHub for those who want to view their assigned shifts. [Direct link here.]


  • CourseKey: Please remember to check in at the start of your shift and check out at the end. If you are doing a make-up shift, we ask that you check in on the white make-up shift form. The clinic staff will have to manually enter it into CourseKey. If you use CourseKey for your make-up shift, it ends up making attendance auditing more challenging for the clinic staff, resulting in delays or errors.


  • Updated Attendance Policy: Clinical courses require 100% attendance. Moreover, students must attend a minimum of 75% within the same assigned clinic shift. Consequently, students will receive a ‘WF’ and be dropped from the clinic course upon the fourth absence, regardless of whether makeup shifts have been completed. Students are required to complete makeup shifts for any missed clinics before the term’s end, in coordination with the clinic staff. A maximum grace period of up to 10 minutes is permitted for each clinic shift; arriving/departing outside of this grace period will be considered an absence.


  • Senior Intern Absences: If you are a treating intern, please call the clinic at (619) 574-6932 or email the clinic at [email protected] if you will be absent for any reason. We will need to call your patients to reschedule their appointments.


  • Treatment Rooms: We’ve encountered issues with treatment rooms being left uncleaned, including open needle packets left on counters. This presents an OSHA compliance risk and will count towards your professionalism grade.


  • Biohazard Containers: There are biohazard containers throughout the clinic. Please do not dispose of regular trash in these containers. Only items such as used gloves, gauze, and any other materials contaminated with bodily fluids should be discarded in biohazard containers. Only needles and lancets should be disposed of in Sharps containers.


  • Scrubs and Massage Uniforms: Acupuncture students must wear navy-blue scrubs; if it’s cold, they can wear appropriate long-sleeved shirts underneath. No bulky jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts should be worn over scrubs. Massage students can wear either navy-blue scrubs or a black polo and khaki pants. If a student arrives in inappropriate attire, they will be sent home; this will be considered an unexcused absence.


  • Professionalism: Remember the importance of obtaining explicit permission before touching patients or practicing on each other, including activities like pulse-taking and palpation. Even though a patient’s presence may imply consent, explicit permission is always necessary.


We look forward to seeing you next week!