Acupuncture Interns and Massage Volunteers Need for Event at Rady Children’s Hospital

Celebrate Our Heroes: Volunteer Opportunity at Rady Children’s Hospital

We are thrilled to announce a special event dedicated to showing our deepest appreciation for the incredible nurses and staff at Rady Children’s Hospital Emergency Department. These are the heroes who tirelessly care for our children, and now it’s our turn to take care of them.

Event Details:
– Date: Friday, June 14th
– Time: 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
– Location: Rady Children’s Hospital Emergency Department

We are calling on dedicated volunteers from clinic levels AI3 to Senior Interns from the acupuncture and massage programs to join us in this heartfelt celebration. Your support will make this event truly special for the amazing team at the hospital. Your four hours there will be counted towards a clinic make up of your choice. 

Volunteer Requirement:
– A valid driver’s license for entrance.

Let’s come together to honor and appreciate those who make a difference in our children’s lives every day. Your participation will not only show our gratitude but also strengthen our community spirit.

Sign up now and be a part of this meaningful event! To volunteer, please send me email to [email protected] .