Prohibited Romantic & Sexual Relationships Between Students & Faculty/Staff

PCHS Students,

Pacific College of Health and Science (PCHS) has updated its policy regarding relationships between students and faculty, including clinic supervisors and teaching assistants, to completely prohibit any romantic or sexual relationships. This decision aims to maintain a safe and respectful educational environment, free from conflicts of interest or possible exploitation. The new policy emphasizes the importance of integrity in the faculty-student relationship, citing the inherent power differential that undermines meaningful consent. Violations of this policy may lead to sanctions, and the college encourages reporting any breaches while respecting confidentiality and protection against retaliation for complainants. You can find the full policy starting on page 115 of the college catalog on our website here:



Why is the college making this policy change now?

Every year the college selects several policies to review and determines if certain policies should be revised.  Those discussions often include evaluating the best practices of other institutions.  In past reviews, there was a split on this topic. Some institutions suggested to keep the policy “as is” which allowed for consensual relationships noting that prohibiting these types of relationships altogether would be more likely to drive the behavior underground where the imbalance could not be easily addressed and cited examples of healthy, happy relationships that had formed between two consenting adults within the college environment.  Ultimately, the team that reviewed the policy this past year decided that the college must put the health and safety of the students above all else which outweighed any other arguments.


When did this policy change go into effect?

The policy went into effect at the start of the fall 2024 term.  If there are any students who are in pre-existing relationships, we ask that you review the updated policy and notify the college so we can ensure there are no ongoing conflicts of interests.


What if I have other questions?

Students are encouraged to meet with their Campus Director, Academic Dean, Director of Clinical Services, or VP of Student Services if they have any questions about the policy change.  Our contact information is below.

Chicago Campus:

New York Campus:

San Diego Campus:

Ashley Kowal, VP of Student Services & Title IX Coordinator – [email protected]

The college is committed to creating and maintaining a safe space for student learning and I wish to thank students and faculty for helping us to do so.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.