Petition for Term Break or Leave of Absence (LOA)

Petition for Term Break or Leave of Absence (LOA) Form

  1. Instructions

    To be eligible to take a Term Break or a Leave of Absence (LOA) you must have completed at least one term at PCHS and be in good academic and financial standing. We recommend meeting with the advising team for guidance, before completing this form.

    An eligible student at Pacific College of Health and Science (PCHS) may take one approved term break without reapplying, not exceeding one per calendar year and not immediately following a leave of absence. A term break has the same effect as withdrawing from the program regarding financial aid. Students must complete exit loan counseling online at PCHS Financial Aid.

    A leave of absence (LOA) period may be granted to students with extenuating personal circumstances but may not exceed 2 consecutive terms within any 12-month period due to extenuating circumstances, but multiple LOAs combined cannot exceed this limit. LOAs require a meeting with the Student Advisor and the Dean’s approval.

    If a student does not return to the college following the end LOA period, the beginning of the grace period is retroactive to the last date of attendance (Date of Determination).

  2. Student Information

    Please enter your information below.

    Please enter an email address

  3. Required Information

    Please enter the required information below.

    Term Breaks and LOA’s for the current term must be requested before the add/drop period ends. Once the term has started, only a petition to withdraw may be submitted until the end of the term. Term Breaks and LOA’s for future terms may be submitted at any time.

    Program (please select all that apply):

    Please select the reason for withdrawal (please select all that apply):

    Please select all that apply:

  4. Acknowledgements
    • Students who do not return the term following a Term Break or Leave of Absence (LOA) will be withdrawn from PCHS.
    • Students who are receiving federal financial assistance are advised to reach out to the Financial Aid office to fully understand the potential impact on their repayment requirements.
    • We recommend that students reach out to student advisors for registration guidance between weeks 8 -12 of the upcoming term.
    • The Registrar’s Office will notify you of the status of this request within 3 – 5 business days.